2. “在5月18日下午5点到7点的一周里,马萨诸塞大学的学生将到访你们的家,讨论马萨诸塞艺术学院的战争 高清作品[78%]

During the week of May 18 from 5 to 7pm, students from the University of <em>Massachusetts</em> will visit your homes to discuss the war-

图片文件尺寸 : 6940 x 9280px

“在5月18日下午5点到7点的一周里,马萨诸塞大学的学生将到访你们的家,讨论马萨诸塞艺术学院的战争-Massachusetts College of Art

During the week of May 18 from 5 to 7pm, students from the University of Massachusetts will visit your homes to discuss the war--Massachusetts College of Art (美国, 1873 - )
